September to June
Hi I'm Edison Hopkinson, co-founder of MathCubed. We specialize in 1-on-1 Math Tutoring for grades 7, 8 and 9 Ontario students.
We have tutored 3,000+ Ottawa math students over the past 30+ years and are passionate about tutoring math!
1-on-1 Math Tutoring
- Focus on helping the student understand the math and focus on the current math the student is learning at school.
1-on-1 Tutoring allows us to personalize each session to focus on the unique learning needs and goals of the student.
We are Ontario-certified high school math teachers with an in-depth knowledge of the Ontario intermediate and high school math curriculum.
Learning habits & skills are the key to remembering.
When a student’s learning skills improve, they do better.
To learn more about the learning habits, skills and strategies MathCubed uses, go to MATH by EDISON.
Remember math, and math becomes easier!